Our Programs & Initiatives
Political and Social Solidarity
Covid Relief: Sent out Covid aid and relief to over 30 Native Nations in the US and Canada. We delivered medical supplies to Native Nations, medical personnel, and clinics who need them most.
Food Relief: Sent out food to Nations experiencing food shortages, and providing water and agricultural support.
Legal Solidarity: Put together a network of Indigenous rights legal experts. We distributed petitions to uphold treaty rights and supported the rights and sovereignty of Indigenous nations.
Political Solidarity: Working to overturn unjust legistaltion, working to uphold treaties rights, sharing and supporting Indigenous political causes and calls to action. We are showing up as Indigenous allies at political demonstrations, events, and elections.
Economic Exchange
Self-Sufficiency: Creating networks for economic independence.
Indigenous Entrepreneurship: Forming communities centered on intertribal tourism, art, cultural, and business parterships.
Cultural Exchange
Local Community Events: Hosting events that bring local and diaspora Indigenous communities together to honor each other and to experience each other’s cultures.
International Exchange: Creating tailored exchange programs for Indigenous communities.
Global Networking: Connecting Indigenous community members, students, leaders, entrepreneurs, educators, influencers, and activists through social media, online, and face to face encounters, as well as participating in international Indigenous Rights conferences.
Educational Programs
Indigenous Lecture Series: Offering several lecture series on Indigenous history (including the Middle East, the Americas, and a general global history) as well as on current Indigenous issues for college campus, cultural centers, community centers, and high schools.
Educational Initiatives: Introducing Indigenous history in local schools.
Indigenous Expertise: Establishing a Krav-Maga based self-defense program for Indigenous women. We are bringing Indigenous-based resiliancy programs, suicide prevention programs, and trauma healing out to communities.
Agricultural and Water Sovereignty
Food Sovereignty: Gathering a network of local and international Indigenous experts, entrepreneurs, and leaders on food sovereignty.
Water Sovereignty: Growing a network of local and international Indigenous experts, entrepreneurs, and leaders on water sovereignty and currently consulting with Indigenous run tech companies about water sovereignty.